> I need the percentage of VBACs amongst the vaginal births for the state.

Hi Jan,
Thankyou for getting involved in finding these stat's. May I suggest chasing
down the percentage of VBAC's attempted in total, and the percentage of
successful VBAC's from those who attempted. Also the percentages of
homebirth VBAC, public and private hospital VBAC's for these two categories?
(ie, attempted and succeeded in the 3 birth environments?) Then there are so
many other categories - ie, previous number of c/sections prior to VBAC
attempt, etc.

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions
given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please
seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if
you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
            so many creeds,
            Too many paths
             that wind and
            When just the art
             of being kind
             Is all the sad
              world needs...

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