Dear Jo - I always get a giggle out of your comments about your kids' latest antics.  Reminds me so much of my "3 under 4".... I wonder sometimes how I survived, but hearing your little bits reminds me it was a lot of fun along the way.  My eldest turned 27 today --- and I STILL worry about him.  Thanks for sharing your life so honestly.  I enjoy ALL your contributions.  Maybe we'll meet someday.  Best wishes, Lois Wattis.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:52 AM
Subject: 'niether here nor there'

Which brings me to something I have been thinking about lately.....Can
any one think of someone they know who feels neutral about their birth
experience? Neither here nor there?  It just was? I  wonder if there are
many women out there that feel that way.  I can't think of anyone I know
like this.

Working with women with the common factor of caesareans, I have found that some of the women who chose cs because of the convenience factor (you know the ones who usually get the media attention!) are the ones who don't really put too much into the birth itself.  The birth is just the process get the child...and the cs is the quickest (!!), cleanest and easiest way to get the goal. 
This is a small minority group however, but they are the group that gets the media coverage and have influenced the attitudes towards birth.  I find that when trying to push to find a deeper feeling about the birth itself, these people just tune out to the person talking to them and especially themselves. 
I think it is sad that women feel they have to close that door to the primeval part of their womanhood.  The 'cancer' of today's society is isolation physical and emotional.
gotta go and extract a two year old from the cupboard their brother just locked them in......or perhaps lock myself in there!
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8365 7059
birth with trust, faith & love...

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