Dear Sue and List,

Thanks for your support - I agonized about how to go about doing this -
ozmid works so well for fertile exchanges between and among midwives and
consumers that I was keen to use ozmid rather than a separate list - but so
many women I spoke to indicated that they don't partake in ozmid because
they feel they don't have a capacity with small children to manage the
volume of discussion.  So we'll see how it goes... As I said, I and others
will still remain active on this List.  Thanks ozmiders for having us!!

regards Barb.  

> From: Sue Cookson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 08:48:50 -0800
> To: Vernon at Stringybark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ozmid
> Subject: Re: National Consumers Network
> Hi Barbara,
> Good on you for setting up the consumers list!
> I would really appreciate if you could keep me up to date with the relevant
> discussions via this ozmid list - I hope others agree!!
> Fantastic!
> Sue Cookson
>> dear List,
>> The message below was sent at the end of January but bounced because of an
>> automatic block to the word s*bscribe.  apologies for not noticing this
>> sooner - the vigorous discussion on the List meant the reject notice got
>> well and truly buried at the bottom of my inbox!
>> ----------
>> From: Vernon at Stringybark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 18:11:23 +1100
>> To: ozmid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: National Consumers Network
>> Dear Listers,
>> Below is a message I'm sending out to a big list of contacts about setting
>> up a national consumers network.
>> I have recommended that people interested in being a part of the network
>> s*bscribe to the Ausbirthingcommunity list - a Yahoo group set up by Rachel
>> Trewin for the Maternity Coalition a year or so ago.
>> In so doing I just want to make clear that I am not intending to exclude
>> anyone on Ozmid from participating in network discussions on that List.  you
>> are all invited to s*bscribe if interested.
>> I'd also like to say 'thankyou' to this List for having hosted much of this
>> discussion in the past - as a consumer I have been conscious of not
>> dominating the Ozmid list with consumer issues, since that may not be of
>> interest to all midwives.
>> I don not envisage that the new consumer list will make much difference to
>> consumer participation on Ozmid.  There are a number of active consumers who
>> currently s*bscribe and who intend to continue doing so even once the
>> national consumer list gets up and running.  We all learn such valuable
>> information from Ozmid s*bscribers, and appreciate very much the
>> encouragement and support many of you offer via the List.  But not all
>> consumers feel ready or able to keep up with the volume of discussion on
>> Ozmid.  A separate list for discussing consumer activism therefore seems
>> relevant.  
>> For those of you who aren't interested in s*bscribing to yet another
>> internet list, I'd be happy to keep Ozmid informed of any relevant
>> discussions on the Ausbirthing list, if people want me to.  I'd be happy to
>> post major message to Ozmid as well as aus birthing.  I would like to
>> encourage other consumers who are already active on Ozmid to do the same.
>> Comments pls?
>> regards,
>> Barb Vernon
>> President
>> Maternity Coalition
>> Dear colleague, fellow mothers, birthing services consumers, midwives, and
>> activists,
>> Happy New Year to one and all!
>> 2002 is going to be an exciting year in maternity services - there is so
>> much momentum for change towards more woman-centred care right across
>> Australia at present.  Many of us are active in our local areas - whether it
>> be providing a support network to other women, running consumer information
>> sessions, lobbying governments, writing letters to the local paper, etc.  I
>> am confident we will collectively prevail and see some significant new
>> programs offering midwife-led care to birthing women in several States and
>> Territories in the coming year.
>> Last September and October I sent out a couple of messages inviting interest
>> in forming a national network of groups and individuals interested in
>> childbirth and maternity issues.  There was a resoundingly positive response
>> from all parts of the country.
>> The idea is that by creating a way of communicating with like minded women
>> across the country, we can all benefit from:
>> - sharing ideas & experiences
>> - saving time and energy by sharing articles & newsletter items
>> - coorindating responses to media items of local or national interest
>> - providing each other with support in lobbying governments to respond to
>> consumer demands for more woman-centred maternity services
>> - collectively having more impact on decision-makers
>> - etc etc.  
>> You may recall I raised the issue last year of legal protection and
>> suggested that we might need sponsorship from an existing national
>> organisation such as AIMS or Maternity Coalition.  I now think such a step
>> is unnecessary for the time being.  Most groups I've had contact with have
>> their own incorporation already.  Groups which don't could consider
>> obtaining their own incorporation or joining one of the incorporated groups
>> in their local area or State if desired.
>> Rather than get bogged down in inventing a new national organisation, I
>> think we should just get on with the business of networking.  A good deal of
>> networking is occurring already between groups in various states.  It's  my
>> firm view that we would all benefit from this networking being more
>> comprehensive of all groups, and more organised.  That will save us
>> reinventing the wheel, given we all lead busy lives.  It would also enable
>> us to very quickly mobilise national comment, opinion or action on issues
>> that affect more than one State, or where there is a need by a local group
>> for wider support.
>> A key to any such network operating is obviously communication.  So I
>> propose we use an internet List to enable us to readily be in contact with
>> each other.  Clearly a List doesn't replace the need for other types of
>> contact - phone, newsletters, conferences, meetings, etc.  But it will be a
>> useful and affordable communication tool.
>> Currently many consumer activists subscribe to the Ozmidwifery List hosted
>> by Ace-Graphics.  It has been great that Ozmid Listers have been happy to
>> have consumers participate in List discussions and post messages for other
>> consumers.  However not all consumers are interested or able to keep up with
>> the volume of email generated by Ozmidwifery on a whole host of midwifery
>> issues.  I therefore think it is valuable for us to have a separate List
>> predominantly for consumers to exchange ideas, experiences, alert others to
>> political actions, media articles and press releases etc.  Interested
>> midwives, childbirth educators, doulas, etc, would of course be welcome to
>> subscribe and comment too.
>> Some time ago, the Maternity Coalition set up a Yahoo Group called 'Aus
>> Birthing Community'.  The list currently has about 60 subscribers but is not
>> regularly in use.  I think it provides a quick and easy mechanism for our
>> national network without having to do anything more than invite a wide range
>> of people to subscribe and start posting messages!  I therefore invite all
>> of you to subscribe to this List if you are interested in being part of a
>> national birth network.  The List can be accessed at the Maternity Coalition
>> website:
>> Click on the Ausbirthingcommunity banner and follow the Yahoo instructions
>> to subscribe.  Subscription is automatic and the list is not moderated.
>> Please let me or Rachel Trewin know if you are having any trouble with
>> subscribing.  
>> Once you're on, please post a message to the List introducing yourself or
>> the Group you're a part of, and identifying any particular interest you or
>> your group has (e.g. special interest in support for women who've had
>> caesarean or whatever).  It would also be handy to flag both your Group's
>> name and the State you're in on each message sent - as it's not always
>> clear.  That will help in trying to ensure that all relevant groups know
>> about the List and are invited to participate if they're interested.
>> The List could easily be added to other groups' webpages as a link - there
>> is no inherent link to Maternity Coalition.  Indeed I would encourage any
>> group who has its own website to add the Aus birthing community link to your
>> page and tell your members about it.
>> I will send messages suitable for the National Birth Network to all the
>> addresses I have collected via email for another month or so to give people
>> time to subscribe to Ausbirthing.  After that we'll move over to the List
>> only.  
>> Once you have subscribed, please send me an email to let me know and I will
>> delete you from my email address group for the network - otherwise you'll
>> get any messages twice!
>> I look forward to talking to you all some more on the Ausbirthing List.
>> There is so much to discuss....
>> yours in good birth for all women...
>> Barb Vernon
>> Mother of 2 beautiful boys,
>> Canberra.  
>> Currently National President of the Maternity Coalition.
>> P.S.  Please forward this message to anyone you think may be interested who
>> is not included in the addressees above!!
>> --
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