Dear Deb - I LOVE hearing stories like this one....there are many such stories and we all need to hear them. I happen to know several obs who really do care about and for women - I am glad you found this one or this one found you (sometimes I am not sure how it happens...). I found one like that who had the respect for me as a woman and a person to hear me out and support me in a way I am sure he never expected to with one of my little ones who chose not to live in this lifetime. 
Thankyou for sharing - Lynne
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Oz OB's

All this discussion about interventionist OB's has reminded me about the Australian OB that delivered my 2nd son - in the UK.  Michael was born 10 weeks early and the OB was on duty when I arrived - fully dilated.  The midwives attending me were ready to perform an episiotomy to "make it easier for the baby".  The OB discounted the idea, saying there was absolutely no need, and proceeded to gently deliver my 1500g baby without any tearing.

Sadly, Michael only lived for 40 minutes (nothing to do with his delivery) and so the next few weeks were spent organising a funeral, coping with excruciatingly sore breasts, attending meetings with doctors as well as coping with the demands of a 1 year old toddler.  While the whole episode was very difficult, the fact that I was able to physically recover from the birth easily (compared to my first delivery a year earlier where I had had forceps and an episiotomy), enabled me to better able to deal with everything - thanks in no small part to the Australian (female) obstetrician.

Debbie Slater
Perth, WA

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