Title: Parliament House Rally - A BIG Thank you
Hi Justine - a note to say a big thankyou to all of you who made it to the rally and represented midwives in the way you did. We seem far away up here but I have been following with interest (and some with dejection at times, I have to admit). There are women who are having their babies at Selangor and aware of the situation, who ask me how the PI issue is moving along and wish us midwives all the best. It is comments like these that warm my heart, and although not 'action', keep me focussed and committed.
I was at a beautiful home birth last Wednesday - I have shared the births of four babies in this family - what an honour to be asked back four times! The three older children watched their brother being born and the oldest boy (7), quietly snuk in while his mum was in the shower, put his little hand on her leg and said "Well done, Mum, you were great!". This is what we are fighting for......
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: Parliament House Rally - A BIG Thank you

Hello  All

Just thought I’d let you know we had a super rally yesterday at Parliament House, attended largely by women.  We looked great with lots of lovely bubs and kids.

Special thanks to all who travelled we had women from all over NSW and as far as Bendigo I believe! It was a great effort, just shows how much the loving care of a known midwife impacts upon women.

We had great media, especially this morning with Pat Brodie on the Today Show and Virginia Miltrup (NSW MC) on Seven Sunrise. This was spun out of the rally as we got coverage across the spectrum from ABC to 2UE talkback!

Kay Patterson has vowed to meet with midwives next week so we’ll be keeping her honest and then informing everyone of how we go.

I Think we are on the cusp!!

Justine Caines
Maternity Coalition

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