Thanks, Linda  - it has just been completed today and you are the first one to comment on the slide show.  I love it too.   I'm REALLY happy with the website.  I think it will be money well spent with regards to advertising my services, and for midwifery in general.
   Take a look, everybody else, and let me know what you think.  The clever young man who designed and built the site (including the program for the slide show)  is named Jason Hulme.  If anyone needs a site done you can contact him thru the link at the bottom of the  home page.   Kind regards, Lois
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Launch of www.birthjourney

Dear Lois,
                Just had a look at your site and I loved the slide show. All the best with setting up your practice.
Click here for Free Video!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 12:28 PM
Subject: Launch of www.birthjourney

Dear ozmid friends  --  Happy International Midwives Day.  I am celebrating this day by launching my website 
As many of you may know, I have recently completed a period working with the Community Midwifery Program (Perth) gaining experience in primary midwifery care and home birth precepted by Mary Murphy.  I will continue working with the CMP and, having satisfied all the requirements, I have applied to the ACMI for accreditation as an Independent Practising Midwife.  I am in the process of establishing my practice - including setting up an office in Pinjarra. 
It's been a very demanding process - expensive, exhilerating and exhausting, but here I am.  Have a peek at my website - the homepage is "up", several otherpages will be ready in the next few days, and the rest will be "under construction" until I can finance their completion.  Hope you like it.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my journey so far, especially my dear, supportive, long-suffering husband, John. XXX  Have a great day, everyone.  Best wishes, Lois (aka "Lotus" sometimes...)    

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