I believe it is absolutely vital that birthing education is given in schools as it is during these years that most of your values and beliefs are instilled.
Recently I was talking to one of our GP/Obs who is Dutch.  She was discussing the system in Holland (which I so envy) where only midwives or Obstetricians partake in pregnancy and birth.  She herself had three beautiful homebirths and it was so lovely to see her face light up and the absolute joy she experienced with her own births.  She discussed the normality of this whole process over there and how frustrating she finds our present system within the hospitals-as does many of us.
The Dutch are raised believing birth to be such a normal event in life and don't get bogged down in the "pain issue" as appears to be a major crux in our society does.
I truly believe for things to really change in Australia is must begin with the education of our children, the birthing parents of the future.  Lets get to it!!!!!

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