Can you give me any official info on the govt. offer of indemnification that you mentioned? I am running a refresher course for rural midwives in Tasmania and indemnification is one major issue for us. we would LOVE the state gov to cover all midwives but as yet, they have no plans to support us. I am gathering info on how other state govs are covering midwives, as this will support our own case.
Unless I've missed the posting, no-one has announced the 2002 Tasmanian Midwife of the Year. It is Ruth Forrest, who works at the North West Private Hospital in Burnie, here in Tassie. Ruth is actively involved in the ACMI as state president. She is also involved with NACE and is a great midwife. Well done, Ruth!!  
Julia M.
hello all,
as a 3yrd adelaide bmid-der i was overjoyed to hear/read today that the gov/dept human ser. are footing the bill for our insurance,
or so thats what i believe/have heard so far (then again i have just come off a 8.5hr clinical placement at the repat looking after patients no less than 75!!, yep lotsa babies there........anyway!!)
im sure there will be more developments as time goes on, just thought id put this out there!
hope you are all well
take care
love jessica.

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