Dear Ozmid
Previously there have been discussions about we can turn the tide of intervention to one of midwifery as was done in NZ !
Well I believe we have a strong chance if we all
1) Endorse and promote the National Maternity Action Plan
2) Actively belong and support Maternity Coalition!!

Because it is the politicians we have to get to create midwifery options of care in every state across Aus and they will not do it unless there are votes in it and for them to see votes in it they have to lobbied and harassed by large groups of consumers.
Midwives are seen as a vested interest and polies like the general public believe they need the doctors to save every one from almost everything, but especially childbirth!!)
They also need to have the case and means for change spelt out for them, which NMAP does!
Do this and get your family and friends to also join and support this action!!
Please Carpe Diem!


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