In a message dated 4/06/02 12:04:32 AM AUS Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Now I have been thinking with the government stepping in to assist the
doctors that perhaps there is a road to travel on. The road is one of
discrimination. That the government has quickly stepped in to assist the
medical profession while independent midwives' practices disintegrate.
For those with more political sense than I has this been explored?

Sally Westbury

Hi Sally.....great to hear from things over in the West???

Your observation above Sally is spot on...and the ACMI I believe is onto it. I attended an ACMI Sub-Branch meeting back in early May and Alana Street spoke to us Re: the PII issue and mentioned that the ACMI was looking into avenues Re: Discrimination of midwives in this regard...perhaps Alana if your could give us an update on progress here, particularly now given that the federal govt has kicked in again to offer continued support to medicos after June 30!!

Yours in birth,

Tina Pettigrew
Bachelor of Midwifery Student and Independent CBE
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
               - So we can trust birth"

Harriette Hartigan.

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