Hi all, 
The discussion on diet is close to my heart at present since I have been
put on a strict no wheat, sugar, dairy products or yeast diet to try to
shake years of CFS. It is certainly helping. How can we develop a campaign
around healthy food for mothers?  My chiro said she was so disgusted with
what her friend was served she took meals into the private hospital to her!
Any suggestions on building awareness of nutrition as major factor not only
in b'feeding but  mothers' health? How  much is in mid. curricula? Could
ACMI be asked to promote guidelines to state health depts and hence

Finally, for those with historical curiosity, a note on egg powder from
research for my earlier book, the Disenchantment of the Home: 
 At the  Royal Commission on the Basic Wage in 1920, several working class
housewives were quizzed about expenditure. The minutes of the inquiry are
FASSCINATING reading for insights into these women's lives. A particular
point of contention was the Commissioners' (men!) repeatedly arguing for
egg powder as a sign of thrift. This was firmly rejected by the  women: 
 'I do not think there could be any nourishment in them...If it is sold so
cheaply  compared with eggs there must be a lot of difference in them.
There is nourishment in the eggs and the children like them' (Mrs  Jennie
"I am not going to eat egg powder as long as fowls will lay eggs. While
eggs are in the country, I have a right to  get them' said  Mrs Ruby Burley
from Footscray. When asked  what was the matter with egg powder, she
replied ' I have not tried it. You might find it tasty  to the appetite,
but the body would not be satisfied'!! 

Our grandmothers fought hard over such seemingly trivial things- we need to
do likewise!
Dr Kerreen Reiger
Director of Women's Studies
Senior Lecturer in Sociology
School of Social Sciences
La Trobe University
Australia 3086
Ph: 61 3 9479 1040
Fax: 61 3 9479 2705
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