Hi everyone,
Just wanted to announce the birth of our first child named Ziggy!
He was born at HOME on Sunday the 2nd of June with our *birth attendant* (*wink* midwife....ssshhhhh).
my 'amazing wife', first time pregnancy, had contractions for around 25 hours but only the last 4hours of secondary stage.
Perfect presentation and weighed in at 3.6kgs.
He opened his eyes within moments and was breast feeding within a minute of being birthed.
I would like to further emphasise my firm support in Home birth and for all Midwives whom work tirelessly at supporting and furthering this option.
Women are amazing and can empower themselves by supporting other women whether it be as midwives or as clients of midwives.
A lot of our friend who were pro medicalisation, prior to this are now interested in researching information about birthing with midwives as their primary caregivers, whether it be in hospital or at home and this is a positive outcome.
We have the utmost respect for our *midwife* and have a great personal relationship with her, and it is through this relationship that increases the potential for a better outcome during pregnancy and at birth!
It's ironic that my wife and I whom would never consider suing , and we take full responsibility of our birth outcomes and we also were fortunate enough to be able to fully finance the expenses, and yet we have due to present legislation, tread very quietly and speak softly regarding our choices.
Every women should have this choice and it should be adopted by government policy. Women need to regain their power and choice in birth!
Darren ( a very proud father).
Member of AIMS and BAG (birth action group of QLd)

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