hi Belinda -re finding their own tucker: Guess I am a sound sleeper generally and was especially when I had that prolactin flowing (how do babies of deaf women cope?). Although I stirred at the slightest movement because they slept with us and this sharing of sleep cycles seems part of the breastfeeding/co-sleeping relationship, I didnt fully wake as long as they were well (if they were unwell at all -rarely - It was different) so it was sort of a necessity thing that they latched on (keep your boobs uncovered by clothing)  -doesnt work so well with husbands though - in my sleep deprived state, have been known to offend by saying, I'm asleep but feel free to help yourself !
Kids are all different aren't they. I am trying to educate a 10 year old boy, who used to find his own booby when he was little, that mothers dont find shoes and socks either!

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