Lots of you have expressed interest in attending this ground-breaking 
program on practical skills for midwives (new and experienced). The full 
details can be found at

If you want to get in at the cheaper prices, you have until June 30 - not 
long now! We need to have received your registration form and payment by 
that date to qualifiy for the discount. If your hospital is going to pay 
for you to attend, then it might be worth paying the fee yourself and 
having them reimburse you - they are often very slow at getting payments 
organised. You can either register on-line (very easy and quick) or you can 
phone Birth International on (02) 9519 5377, during Sydney business hours.

Don't forget that registration fees will be tax deductable - another good 
reason to get your registration in early so you can claim the deduction 
this year. We'll send you a tax invoice to fulfil the requirements for you 
tax return.

And yes, there is a 15% discount for students, if you provide a copy of 
your student ID with your registration.

Look forward to seeing you, at one of the events.



Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education

web: www.birthinternational.com

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