My kids (almost 3, 6, 15, almost 18) have been very healthy, the only
thing that ever raised it's ugly head was the dreaded ear
infections...terrible pain, fevers...until I discovered onion juice!
Squeeze an onion...I use a citrus juicer, pick up the juice in a
dropper, and squirt it in! Easy as! Never again did any of the kids get
past "my ear is sore!" In fact the two littlies have had one a piece and
then never again.. The two big ones had a couple more and then never
sick again!

On another note, a client of mine with 18 month old twins was told they
needed grommets urgently(!!! No other option!Come in this week!) She
begged 6 weeks grace...I suggested she visit a chiropractor friend of
mine...miraculously, when the mother returned to the ENT guy, there was
no longer any need for grommets... Did he concede to the benefit of the
chiro? Of course not, apparently the miraculous cure was due to her
dropping a day of day care!! :) 

BTW onion is great grated applied to the feet for colds 'n just about

Yours with stinky oniony kids

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Macha
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 5:20 AM
To: ozmidwifery
Subject: ear infections

Hi.  I need some advice..again!!  My 15.5 month old daughter is
suffering from her second ear infection in 3 weeks.  The doctor she saw
mentioned referring her to a specialist to have grommets put in!  (after
2 infections!...I suspect that they are the same infection).  She has 2
bottles of cows milk a day, and she suffers from a bit of excema.   I
know I
should lose the bottles, but apart from that, I have been told that cows
milk and dairy products, being mucolitic can cause the build up of
mucousy fluids in ears, particularly if the child has an atopic reaction
to cows milk (like excema).  Our problem is, our daughter will not drink
milk from anything other than a bottle, making it hard to wean her from
them, and we find it almost impossible to make up the reccomended 600mls
of dairy in her diet if shes not having bottles.  And what about the
mucous thing?  Have any of you experianced ppl out there heard of this,
and does it have any credibility?  If I did take her off dairy, how on
EARTH would I adjust her diet to make sure that she was receiving
adequate nutrition?  The doctor she saw told me to give her formula
instead of cows milk (????WHY?????).  Im just so confused!  What do you
reccomend I do? Thanks a million, Macha.

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