Hello all...

Does anyone know of a midwife in Johannesburg that could support this

.... Mum has been telling me alot about the work your doing with
intuitive midwifery. She probably told you that I am pregnant with my
second child, due in January 2002. I am living in South Africa at the
moment, but after having experienced the interventionist
medical/maternity care here during the birth of my daughter Jasmin in
1999 (resulting in a caesar), I am thinking seriously about coming back
to Australia to have this baby. 

The main reason for my thinking this way is that I am not having much
success in finding midwives or gynaecologists who support natural/home
birth here. The rate of caesareans in the country is scary - in some
clinics about 80% (mainly in the private clinics where most white people
go). I do know people who have had home births with midwives here, but I
heard that they will not do home births for women after they have had a
caesar. I understand that there can be risks with VBAC, but I have also
read of many cases where women have had home births without any problem.

My main interest is to find someone who has the same values and
understanding as I do about the significance and power of the birthing
process for a woman. Whether it does end up in a hospital birth or a
caesar is not so important. Also, as I don't have family around me where
I live, I know that it would be a wonderful experience for everyone
(myself, husband, mother, sisters and daughter in particular) to be in a
nurturing homely environment on the occasion. My husband, Stefan, is
supportive of a natural birth, but is worried that I will go off to
Australia and leave him out. So making arrangements for his
participation is also important. But when he discusses the money and
time issues involved I get reacted as these are not things that I want
to consider as obstacles. I feel very strongly that this is very
important for me personally and would be wonderful for him too, although
he doesn't fully understand this now.

I would like to ask you firstly if you know of anyone practicing
according to the values and systems that you use in Johannesburg, RSA.
There is a clinic here called Linkwood which has been set up for natural
birthing with double suites, attached bathroom, etc. But the gynae who
they referred me to for my first visit this week just completely turned
me off. When I told her that I was 35 and had a caesar last time, she
spent most of my appointment informing us about the risk of downs
syndrome, the choices we have for testing, the unreliability of these
tests, the options we have for termination, etc. Then went on to say
that if there were any slight complications such as hypertension,
gestational diabetes, overdue, etc, there would be no question of having
a natural birth. If things were all on track, she said she wouldn't mind
if I had a bash at a trial of labour. This is not the way I want to be
treated or guided through the pregnancy.

If I came to Australia in early December (due date around 24 January),
would you be able to be my midwife? If you are able, would it be
possible to have some sort of virtual consultations in the meantime so
that I can get to know you and the work that you're doing. If you won't
be able to be my midwife, can you refer me to someone else who you could
strongly recommend. Please also let me know what your costs are.

I had a look at your website and saw that you have a video. could I
order this and get it sent to me?

I look forward to hearing from you.


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