Hello Di --  this sounds to be a pretty daunting task.  I'd suggest you put it together in parts, and here's a good starting point:
  Get hold of copies of Andrea Robertson's video's "Skills for Childbirth Educators" - volume 1 "Learning about the Pelvis", and volume 2 "Using Models Effectively".  Also copies of Andrea's books "Preparing for Birth - Mothers" and "Preparing for Birth - Fathers".  These few references will equip you to present the fundamentals of active birth preparartion and educational issues for parents.  (Hopefully you'll find them in your uni library)...  However, the books are cheap and well worth having in your personal library ( I know only too well about financial constraints of being a student).  This may seem like a blatent advertisement (and I have NO vested interest in these items) - but they are, in my opinion, among the most valuable resources on which to base antenatal education in Australia. 
If you can also afford to get to any of the Active Birth Workshops with Andrea Robertson you will be well equipped to tackle the workshops as required.
Good luck with your project, and your midwifery studies.  Kind regards, Lois Wattis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:36 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Antenatal education training

Hi to all the list...am enjoying reading the many & varied topics on the ozmid list & now have a query to anyone out there who may be able to assist....
I (& quite a few of my fellow student midwives) require a workshop or course on the topic of 'learning how to conduct antenatal education/classes'.  Yes...these courses are available but are either not 'fit' as an elective subject due to number of hours OR are far to long & indepth for what we require as an elective subject. 
Ideally, the workshop would consist of approximately 40 hours of theory with associated assesment tasks in the way assignments which could be assessed and graded and just to make this request a bit more of a challenge.... would have to be conducted in Melbourne :)
Would very much appreciate any help with this request....
Thanks.....Di Felsbourg 

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