Just have to share this! I am a MIPP but did a night shift to supplement my income last night. I have just been at a waterbirth at a private hospital, 'conducted' by an OBS!!!.  It will certainly help to validate the water birth option.  1/2 of me is over the moon that it was 'allowed' in the hospital , and that the obst concerned was willing to let it happen (although I suspect he now thinks he's an expert - well  after all, HE's done 3 now) Although I had been with the labouring women, encouraging her etc, he insisted on controlling the birth himself and did not want any suggestions for optimal positioning in  water etc. BUT  the other half of me was SCREAMING as he did an EPIS underwater, then delivered the placenta, which came quickly and naturally within 5 minutes, under the water also.  I have had a 'chat' with him and promised to send him articles on water embolus etc. as he seemed unaware of research literature and safety aspects relating to water birth. I still can't believe it and now they are going to write a policy for the procedures manual so it appears to be an option offered to those who want it.  I have been asked to do an inservice for the mw's and said yes as I suspect my perspective might be preferable than an obstetric one.  Sorry for rambling, night duty does that to me, cheers, Laraine

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