Dear Joy
Thank you for the lovely update
Sitting on the side lines of these  life dramas is a privilege for us all!

Your news made me wonder is any ambulance service ok about transfering
babies whilst enjoying Skin-to-skin in the ?

Do car safety and seat belt requirements prohibit a newborn being
transported in S-t-S whether in a family car or ambulance??
----- Original Message -----
From: Joy Cocks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ozmidwifery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Good news!

> Dear Everyone,
> To all those wonderful people who sent messages of love and support to our
> family - thank you so much, all those messages helped enormously.  I did
> pass them all on to Sally and she sends her gratitude as well - she was
> quite overwhelmed at the level of support on this list.  Thank you.
> Reuben was transferred to our regional hospital on Friday (70 k's away)
> is looking FANTASTIC.  He is now 37+2 gestation and will be 10 weeks old
> tomorrow.
> He is basically having all "suck" feeds - at the breast when Sally is
> and EBM at other times, although he has needed the occasional gavage since
> his transfer as he's been a bit tired and had the occasional brady and
> desat.  He does seem quite vulnerable to change and it takes him a little
> while to settle in.  However, despite all that he's been through, he
> to be a very calm and cuddly little boy.  He weighed in at a massive 2 kg!
> and has a nice little layer of fat.  Now that he's off the HMF, he's lost
> that slightly "bullfroggy" look and his gain is more natural.  Lovely to
> him doing normal baby things - mouthing, looking for his fists to suck on,
> peeing and pooing everywhere, etc.
> Hopefully, we'll have him home in a couple of weeks and, as I've got 5
> leave starting tomorrow, I'll be able to catch up on cuddles.
> Of course, we think often of our Tilly and wonder what she would have
> like etc. - she will always be a part of our family.
> Tas, the 4 y/o, seems to have a very good grasp of everything that has
> on and has learnt so much over these 10 weeks.  He is lovely and gentle
> Reuben and often talks about Tilly as well.
> Thank you all again.
> Love, Joy
> Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
> BRIGHT Vic 3741
> --
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