Another possibility although unlikely........ could
this babe have been very deep in the pelvis (maybe a face presentation)
and an attendant attempted a cervical stretch but
had actually been inside the babes
Pretty poor practise it this is the case but
remotely possible. Your email does not state if this C/S was after labour had
Alesa Koziol Clinical Midwifery Educator Melbourne
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 3:58
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] mouth
Intriguing! What was the baby's position...I'm visualizing
DOP and a low segment uterine incision that went too deep?????? Is this
possible? Kez x
henk / eliza merbis wrote:
Hi All, I am a newly registered midwife and love all the
messages everyone sends to each other. It's like having priveleged
information at my fingertips when many questions I have, have not been
answered in the past! Anyway, I was at a C/S recently and the baby was pulled out with
forceps (quite a difficult delivery). It went straight over to the resus
trolley for O2 and suction and we noticed bilteral tears at each corner of
the mouth. Has anyone ever come across this before? They were quite deep and
almost looked as though they had been purposely cut (not that I am for a
minute implying this). Everyone was baffled - the paed, the consultant, even
the head of Obstetrics saying she had never seen it before. They even had a
paed come over from the Children's to try to come up with an
answer. ??? Eliza
Merbis P.S. The baby's jaw
was quite rigid and stiff if that helps at