I am not a professional or have any training so I am only going by my personal experience.  My first baby did a similar thing at 5 months and due to no support, and breasts that just always felt 'empty', I put him on the bottle which broke my heart.  I suffered really badly emotionally and physically due to engorgement.  With my second, he did the same thing at 6 months.  I decided to keep breast feeding but also introduce some very small EBM and that rice cereal shit (opps!  shouldn't say that) after a feed -usually the 10am feed.  He was teething and growing very fast and this seemed to make him happy.  I continued to feed without problems but still had that empty feeling.  I increased my water intake and got more rest and things got better.
Shock horror, my third did the same thing and so I did the above mentioned and he was satisfied also. 
Look, I apologise to all those who are trained in BF if I have given information that is 'not recommended but I would hate to know that someone would possibly gave up the wonder that is breast feeding needlessly if there was something she could try first.  I am sure that a little rice cereal mixed with EBM would be better than changing to formula??  Please advice me if I am wrong.
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
----- Original Message -----
From: Joy Cocks
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] BF Problem

Hi Eliza,
No, I don't mind, but I am a bit wary of offering advice 2nd hand.  I'm busy with houseguests at present but will give you just some thoughts that come to mind.
Has she seen her M&CHN and sought her opinion? 
What is Mia's urine and stool (colour, consistency, amount) like?  What is her weight doing?  These are good indicators of whether she is getting enough. 
Could it be that her mother is getting/has got a period - this can make some babies "fussy".
What you have suggested is good - feeding more frequently, expressing etc.  I would suggest offering the breast even more frequently than 3/24, lots of skin-to-skin contact such as co-bathing and/or having a "babymoon" - mother and baby both go to bed for a day or two if that is possible.
Maybe this baby is ready for solids a bit earlier than most??
There are herbs (fenugreek and blessed [I think] thistle) that can be used to increase milk supply if that is indeed the problem, but I would suggest trying the other options first.  Metoclopramide and Domperidone can also be used - as a last resort in my opinion.
There are other LCs on this list who also might like to respond.  Eliza, if you email me privately I'll send you details of LCs in private practice in the Richmond area.  If I think of anything more, I will respond again.  Good luck in helping your friend to continue breastfeeding.
Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2002 4:45
Subject: [ozmidwifery] BF Problem

Dear Joy,
Couldn't help but notice you are an LC. Would you mind giving me some free advice. I am a (new) midwife with a friend who is breastfeeding her 4 and a half month old daughter. All has been going really well until a week or so ago when Mia started to get fussy at the breast (my friend thinks she is hungry after a feed looking for more). I suggested she feed more regularly (three hourly instead of 4); hand/pump express 3-4 times a day(whichever she prefered); and give EBM post BF. Did I forget anything? I have since spoken to her and she said she hasn't been able to express enough and that Mia is still hungry. She really doesn't want to formula feed  but I have run out of suggestions (being new to all of this)!
Hope you can help.
P.S. I suggested she also ring the ABA but she said they weren't terribly helpful or knowledgeable.
She lives in Richmond so maybe I should refer her to an LC??

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