Dear Aviva (and others)
I loved your email to theozmidwfery list and then your web site!

I feel sure  you will do all you can to ensure your daughters have births
like yours but we need to make it not the battle it is even for the informed
and determined!!

So Please consider actively joining Maternity Coalition and the National
Maternity action PLan

Similarly all on this list who feel as Aviva does !!
 Now is the time to join and act

Denise Hynd

----- Original Message -----
From: Aviva Sheb'a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 11:29 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Dr. John Stephenson

> Dear All,
> I've just joined this group, being an Active Birth Educator from way
> back...early 80s, trained in Amsterdam. Came back to Oz in 83, pregnant
> my son, Leslie, taught Active Birthing for CEA in Melbourne.
> Leslie was born at home, December 1st, 83, with John Stephenson and his
> of trusty midwives, Marilyn Lawson and Nikki Sorell, as well as childbirth
> educator, Bronny Bell in attendance. Bronny's husband, Tim Handfield took
> the most stunning photos.
> The team was extraordinary and giving birth to Leslie was blissful.
> John was wonderful; this was just before the disastrous striking off. I
> really did not believe the case. So much just didn't add up. To me, what
> added up to was 'let's get the man at all cost'.
> Four years later, I gave birth to my daughter, Rosie in a private
> as John wasn't able to assist. Bruce Sutherland attended. As with John,
> Bruce did very little and let me get on with the joyous experience. Leslie
> was the first to see anything of Rosie -- they still have a very special
> bond.
> As for this business of 'controlled crying', oh, perleeeease. Breast is
> best, as my Darlings will attest. I fed Leslie till just before Rosie was
> born. I regretted only feeding her for two years! Exhausted from being a
> sole parent without support, moving house too many times, alas the local
> doctor's wife (I'd moved with the children to the country) convinced me it
> was the two or three feeds a day I was giving Rosie that exhausted me.
> was rubbish. Still, two years is a pretty good start.
> There's evidence that breast feeding protects against breast cancer. Makes
> sense -- what happens to the milk if it's left in the container, so to
> speak. Breasts are not only there for men to suck and fondle! Ahem.
> Back in Amsterdam (I took Leslie back for a year when he was six months
> young), a butcher once said, "Zo maak je ze, zo houd je ze". Loosely
> translated: "The way you make them, is the way you keep them". What you
> create is what you get back. Many times I thought it would be easier to
> in to an unreasonable demand, to do things in a way that didn't sit right,
> but someone recommended. I always looked at the children they'd raised and
> asked if that person really had the answer.
> I'm glad I didn't give in to all sorts of things, and mothered MY way. The
> payoff: both my children, in their teens, have thanked me many times for
> way I've brought them up. They didn't get Reeboks unless they happened to
> in the el cheapo bin when we needed shoes. When I bought my car a few
> ago, I bought a bottle of Coke and cleaned the bugs off the windscreen.
> thanked me for saying NO to coke. Both Leslie and Rosie are wonderful,
> spirited, human beings, following their dreams.
> As for me -- mothering and fathering them has not always been easy, but it
> has always been the most rewarding of my careers. Now I've been through
> menopause, my daughter has become a young woman, my son is living
> independently, I'm getting back to Active Birthing and women's health. I
> came to this list through a midwife who attended my Belly Dance class. If
> you haven't fallen asleep reading this epistle, my web site is
> .
> Happy Birthing to you all,
> Aviva
> --
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