Please accept my apologies and receive my very best wishes,
Kathleen Fahy
Professor of Midwifery
Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery
Faculty of Health
The University of Newcastle
University Drive,
Callaghan, 2308
Ph 02 49215966
Fax 02 49216981

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/27/02 01:35pm >>>
Hi Everyone

Just a brief reminder re the ACMI National Education Forum to be held in
Adelaide on September 27. The program looks excellent and is not just for
midwifery educators and lecturers. There is a session from consumers on the
language we use, sessions on mentorship and the AMAP results will be
presented. The afternoon promises something for everyone with sessions
relating to midwifery students, midwives in their first year of practice and
midwives pushing the boundaries in new models and challenging practice.
Let's also not forget the ACMI AGM and cocktail party to follow!

Early-bird rate closes this Friday so get your registration in ASAP. Go to
the ACMI National website at  <> to
register on-line. Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as
possible. Adelaide in September is beautiful and the wineries aren't far

Bec Smith
Education Coordinator

Clinical Learning Coordinators

Trevor Cresp                (pager 4287)
Michelle Unetta Green  (pager 4428)
Andrea McLay              (pager 4304)

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