Hi Rosemary,  I read your post with interest.  Congratulations on your initiative!  I want to tell you that you can practice as an independant midwife without the ACMI accreditation.  I realise that you would like to do it with the ACMI Certificate of Accreditation, but you don't have to.  Read the legislation for the state you are in.  Mostly, when one is a registered midwife with the Nurse's Board, one has the qualifications to practice anywhere as a midwife, especially if you are doing your births in a hospital.  All the accreditation does is act as a benchmark for those of us who work outside the hospital, to ensure that we keep updated.  It doesn't grant one any priviledges, or bestow any wisdom.  That comes with experience.  Best wishes in your work, Sincerely, Mary Murphy.   -

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