thank you Rosemary for sharing what must have been a wonderful experience for all involved.  I apologise for ranting and raving, but 'it' has finally driven me after three years, to such a point as my health being affected.  I had the migraine from hell which had me begging my hubby to take me to hospital!  I am so angered by the way in which care is manipulated by a few in positions in power.  I am angered that in SA 'they' are using the tragic event of a uterine rupture in a vbac (labour augmented -without dilation check first! and epidural and yet no continuous monitoring until too late! ) to ban vbac in birth more women can be submitted to epidurals, inductions, augmentation, continuous monitoring!!!  Perhaps if this woman was in a birth centre, she would not have been subjected to such poor and disgraceful care! 
But knowing that birth is still happening in a caring, loving and trusting environment makes the pain in my head (and heart) a little easier.  Thanks for sharing....
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...

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