As I have said they used this on me for days - while they induced me - one doctor came in and said that it was not proven to be doing anything and I was taken off the drip and put back on the ward - 26+ weeks (I had by this stage been induced with 5 lots of prostin which seemed to react with me and swell my vagina and cervix - the ob said it had burnt my cervix which was why the internal to manually dilate the cervix had been so painful!).
 Anyway, I only lasted 2 days before I ended up back on the magnesium and then having an emergency c/s.   I had magnesium running at 8mg an hour with a loading dose that was much faster and burnt through the artery - I had ice packs to relieve my arm and one midwife used "Raki Healing" to relieve the pain as I kept waking in pain.  She was wonderful.
9 yrs latter I am rubbing my arm thinking about it - would not wish it on my worst enemy.  But, I am sure it did save Katelyn's life as if she had been born even a day earlier she probably would have it was she developed severe HMD and was a very sick 27weeker.
I am constantly surprised by the lack of knowledge there is about Pre Eclampsia  and Eclamptic fitting when it is such a common problem.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Friday, September 20, 2002 16:52:16
To: list
Subject: [ozmidwifery] BMJ Stories
The first story is about treatment by Magnesium sulphate for women with severe P.E.     The conclusion is about why such a cheap effective treatment isn't being used.  FASCINATING!
The second is about the spin media put on medical research.. "The operation was a success!" (but the patients died)
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