Dear Justine,
You are doing a brillant job. So glad you followed up and clarifed.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes,
Kathleen Fahy
Professor of Midwifery
Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery
Faculty of Health
The University of Newcastle
University Drive,
Callaghan, 2308
Ph 02 49215966
Fax 02 49216981

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/25/02 03:36pm >>>
Hello Listers & NMAPers

A few points in relation to the ABC coverage of the NMAP launch yesterday (those on Oz Mid see ABC posting below).

I was quite disappointed in Auntie's coverage of the NMAP launch, particularly the comment they reported from the NSW Health Care Complaints Commissioner, Amanda Adrian.  I called her this morning.  She relayed what she said to the ABC and commented that she had been totally misrepresented.

She applauded a consumer plan for maternity reform, she did say that focussing on one professional group was fatally flawed, however, that if this plan looked across the continuum then it was a positive step.  So the ABC just chopped off the however bit, how convenient!

She also quoted that complaints received by the commission were largely from obstetric care, she backed up our claims for increased midwife led care confirming their consistency with the NSW Sherman Report of 1989!!! and said that the argument against using midwives due to provider numbers was unnecessary as this presented government with an opportunity to be ‘creative with funding.’

I am also concerned that as a national consumer body asserting our rights to evidence based and cost effective maternity care that we are branded with the negative ‘lobby group’ tag.  We are women and mother’s fighting for what we are totally entitled to and it is a disgrace we are fighting at all!!!

Yes we are lobbying, but if we’re a lobby group, then the AMA is the most powerful union in the country, constantly holding the government to ransom, often without cause.

I am going to approach Media Watch this afternoon.  I think they may be interested in this.

Discounting 12 months work and a national campaign driven by women and mothers based on misrepresentation (and the unhelpful comments of Jackie Kelly re Medicare Provider numbers) is not on!

Yours in the struggle and in solidarity

Justine Caines
Maternity Coalition

Posted: Tue, 24 Sept 2002 7:59 ACST
Lobby group presses for national midwifery program
Australia is being urged to follow the lead of other OECD countries, such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and implement a national community midwifery service.

The National Maternity Coalition has spent 12 months investigating the benefits and costs of a national community midwifery service.

The program would give Australian women access to one-on-one care by a midwife from early in pregnancy until their baby is four to six weeks old.

Coalition president Barbara Vernon says a national scheme could be up and running within five years by using the Western Australian Midwifery Program as a template.

"That's had two independent evaluations and has excellent clinical outcomes and women are highly satisfied with the care they receive," Dr Vernon said.

However, New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commissioner Amanda Adrian has warned against focussing only on midwives.

"Any plan that focuses on practitioner groups only is fundamentally flawed," Ms Adrian said.

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