Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] VBAC Petition
Thanks Debby and Justine
Thanks for the advice, we have collected well over 100 signatures petitioning for VBAC to be accepted into Birth Centres.  It is all the more urgent now that Flinders Med. have made a reversal of this right for vbac women 8 weeks ago.  We have women who were going to birth in the birth centre up until they were 30+ weeks and have been told, no sorry you are not eligible and now you have the pleasure of labouring with continues ctg, bung inserted and restrictions on nutrional intake (water only?).  So our little petition was just an idea, to try and get WCH to accept vbac, but now it is appearing to be imperative.  Something about these new perinatal protocols?
We hadn't considered presenting the petition to parliament it was just the hospitals were our focus, but I think we need to possibly change the petition we have to incorporate this.  I have heard that it is very depressing to hear parliament read out the multitudes of petitions, but one of our most successful petitions was the Women's Suffrage petition of 1894 in SA so there is hope.  Any opinions on whether it is worth approaching parliament?
Thanks again, anyone who has our petition please hold off on getting it signed.  

Justine Caines wrote:

Jan and Jo (and anyone else who wants to raise petitions eg. in support of NMAP),

Don't know if you have seen this site but you can easily raise online petitions here at no cost.




Debby and all

Just some advice on petitions, if one wants the petition to be tabled in any parliament then you must conform with the particular parliaments conventions on petitons (you need to say dumb stuff like “I pray” etc etc.

I did not see the posting on what the petition is about but it’s just useful advice, especially in these new times of NMAP and being  in governments face about the lack of midwife care.

The Federal Government has a petitions officer in the tables office and information could be obtained by the Clerk in State Parliaments. Because if the correct words are not adhered to it cannot be tabled, typical bureaucracy!!.

Hope this helps

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