Joseph Chilton Pearce, remarkable man. Gave lectures in Melbourne; the first I attended while I was waiting for Leslie's birth; the second not long after his birth. How comforting it was when he told me that babies like Leslie who just don't want to sleep are exceptionally bright! Neither of my babes wanted to sleep and indeed, they have both kept everyone on their toes -- me the most. What I really liked about him was he didn't come across as a know-it-all!
Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] book sharing, reinforcement of PUSH FOR BIRTH REFORM ( VERY LONG)

Dear List,
I have to share this book - it will make you howl in anguish: it will reinforce your determination to change childbirth practices in this country through the NMAP.  
Midwives must fight for natural birth.  Yes...... PUSH FOR BIRTH REFORM.
So, to those of us who may occasionally lose heart........and I quote..... 
(written 1977, but still recognizable as occurring in our hospitals of today)
"The newborn's total sensory system must be brought into play through physical stimulus, because only by stimulation of the body does the reticular formation receive the necessary stimulus to bring it into full play and begin to function fully as the coordinate of body senses and mind-brain activity.   

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