Dear Deb
The story which is in the current Women's WEEKLY covering both the laylas birth and up to this child deals superficially with the pregnancies more about the relationship of Vanessa and her aprtners, and for me says C/S is safe no discussion of the pros or cons.
And yes I understand the anxieties tho I personally have not been there and I make no judgements other than the lack of discuussion and presentation of C/s as safe!
I agree about the impact of loosing Layla as something to stimulate discussion of issues which this is.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] ImpactOf Loosing LaylaSequel

In a message dated 10/7/02 9:21:49 AM W. Australia Standard Time, Denise writes:

I am concerned at one of the strong messages of the forthcoming Loosing
Layla Sequel
= having an elective C/S is safe and sure to have a live baby!??

We know it is not but there is nothing out in the media to counter this
argument, idea,  in fact we have noted and argued about other mainstream
programs which have said this but here it is again!! Here it is again!!

This is a difficult one this isn't it - because it's bound up with the awful past experience that will affect the parents' rational thinking process.

Our second died at birth (although not because of anything to do with his birth).  nevertheless, when I was pregnant again, despite all my best endeavours, I know that the choices I made during the subsequent pregnancies were influenced by what had gone before.  When my third son developed problems and had intrauterine surgery, I was convinced that he would be born by section.  However, the OB and paediatrician both convinced me that a vaginal birth would be better - and that was how he was born.  The point I'm trying to make is that because of my highly emotional state during the subsequent pregnancy, any decision that I made was entirely rational.

It is unfortunate that - on the face of it - yes, one message that may come through is that somehow a section means a live baby.  However, this is one story of how parents come to terms with a subsequent pregnancy and birth and with it - all the dilemmas, decisions and choices that have to be made.  As yet we don't how the decision to have an elective was made - and I await the sequel with real interest.

Personally speaking, I thought Losing Layla was an important film in trying to show just what parents go through at such a devastating period.  I hope that the sequel will be as equally important in showing what it is like to go through pregnancy again - something which I found many people found it difficult to comprehend. 

Debbie Slater
Perth, WA

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