Title: Message
Hi Rowena
Although your friend is distressed as a result of her birth experience it may or may not have been associated with her chronic fatigue. I have come across over  a dozen pregnant/birthing/breastfeeding women in the last 10 years with chronic fatigue. I have taken a special interest in that time frame as my partner has had this disease since then.
This is purely anecdotal, but  I have noticed no great difference with the labour of these women. Some of them have been grossly fatigued by the end of their labour, but their birth type or PPH rates have been similar to the rest of the population, and some have been completely overwhelmed by the sleep deprivation associated with a new infant. But as with the disease itself, there is no predicted course. Each woman is different. What I have noticed is that the women who are most affected by labour/birthing/feeding are those still in the early phases of the disease.It is at this time that the fatigue is all consuming.
Hope this helps
Alesa Koziol
Clinical Midwifery Educator
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 4:32 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Chronic fatigue!

Hi All,
I know this subject was discussed recently but unfortunatley I deleted all the correspondence as I had so many messages to sort through. Well blow me down if the weekend after I did that I found out that a friend of mine who has had a baby three weeks ago suffers from chronic fatigue.  She describes her labour as 50hrs long and was initally spontaneuos but she believes the chronic fatigue had something to do with the fact that she kept going in and out of labour.  She eventually managed to get an augmentation with ARM and Synto and had a NVB.  She is very angry about they way she was treated and her mother who was with her was very upset about her treatment (her mother was a midwife 30 years ago).  She also had a PPH of about 2000ml.Both her mother and herself believe that the chronic fatigue played a roll in it all.  I have no knowledge about chronic fatigue and labour but promised I would talk to you fantastic peolpe and find out as much for them as I could.  She says she will definately be having a LUSCS if there is another pregnancy.
Thanks for your time,
----- Original Message -----
From: Vicki Chan
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Hep B opinions and links


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