Dear List,
Just wanted to let you know of a seminar at Monash Medical Centre on 4/12/02.
Presented by Southern Health and Deakin University it is called Midwives Can Make a Difference.
Speakers include Nicky Leap whose keynote address is "how can midwifery practice flourish in a medical environment?"
Mary Anne Biro "An appeal to midwives"
Hilda Bastian "Midwives working with women to make a difference"
Plus Elizabeth Bethune, Diane Phillips,
Bobbie Carroll, Nicole Youl,Vanessa Owen and Michael Wilson.
It starts at 8.30 for registration, is being held in the main lecture theatre at Monash and costs $120 before 4/11, $150 after and $60 for students (stating student number.
Registrations close 28/11.
Registration and payment to:
    Seminar Registration
    Women's and Children's Programme     Office
    Monash Medical Centre
    Locked Bag 29
    Clayton South 3168
cheques/money orders to Southern Health
For further info contact:
    Women's and Children's Programme
    9594 2547
Kerry Chouzadjian
9594 6962
See you there

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