Hi Jo, thanks for the support, but my husband only knows about the three children he fathered, (3 not 4)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jo & Dean Bainbridge
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 8:09
Subject: [ozmidwifery] pesky consumers

hey everyone,
thanks for hose who have made comments and thanks to all those off list replies.  As I said before, there are mw who are slogging hard and my comments were not directed at you.  As I said before, I know you guys work hard and have other commitments too and finding the time is sometimes really hard.  There are midwives here in SA who are supportive and so on and I send my love to Tania, Wendy, Roz, Julie, and all the rest.  It is sometimes really hard to make the effort to go to meeting after meeting and put in many hours writing and sending letter after letter.  I would just like those mw who want change to take a moment to think that there are consumers like Cheryl, Megan and myself who all have children (6 in Cheryl's case; 4 in Megan's and I have three under 6) and we also work in paid employment, run homes, take the kids to sports and such and we each are still running our own particular groups (Homebirth Network, Birth Matters, CARES and now trying to pull even more energy and time to get the SA branch of MC happening) and have to be dealing with all the issues and such that come up within the realms of the groups (like trying to save VBAC in SA).......
it is just really hard for us to do this without more support. We need to see that those who are going to benefit from our sacrifices are trying too.
God, what a whinge!!!  Well I am of British decent...it is my birth rite to be a whinge! And I have spent the last 5 years listening to the whinging of my kids so I just thought I would give it a try.........nah!  I will have some more chocy instead.
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...

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