Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] VBAC of twins
Where I work twin births are 'done' under epidural for manilipation pf the second twin!!!!  Very scary, especially when the ob panics and drags the second bubby out. 
what I find even scarier is that the drs do not trust women to birth, wanting to do VE's 4 hrly put up synt if dilation 'slow' and tying women up to CTG's.  The real scary bit is the other midwives, including the 'pro-active' ones all think it's ok,   VBACs are still referred to as 'trial of scar'.  I'm getting a bit tired of being corrected for saying 'delivery' by someone who does routine ARM's and VEs.  Pro active is a bit more than words.   Maureen.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sue Cookson
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] VBAC of twins

Hi all,
All I can say is that obviously the ob is terrified of normal deliveries and maybe has not seen a normal twin delivery to 2 healthy babes.
First baby headdown is the best scenario (for a homebirth anyway) so he should relax and enjoy the woman's power in birth. The woman on the other hand should be made aware of his lack of experience in normal twins birth and should be helped to make her decision about the birth based on all the information - any homebirth midwives around withmore twins experience than him?? Could be good support for her at this late stage...

Mother of 4 homeborn babes and birth attendant to many, including 3 sets of twins all born normally...

Just a query...the hospital I work in has a fairly high caesarian section rate unfortunately. I admitted a woman for rest last week (at 37 weeks) who is expecting twins...second pregnancy...first was an elective luscs because of 'high head at term'- otherwise known as cephalo pelvic disproportion.

This time, both twins are cephalic, first twin's presenting part is very low in the pelvis and is well and truly engaged. Is such a shame that this woman's obstetrician will not even discuss the concept of vaginal birth after caesarian don't you think?

I welcome any comments anyone would like to make please.



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