
thanks for posting your birth story.  It's lovely and shows such a lot of learning and 
gained strength of your own confictions since you first queried the advice you were 
getting. You're an inspiration to all women wondering ( doubting) the path they are on 
and altering course. Enjoy your babies and family.


At Thu, 7 Nov 2002 14:23:33 -0000, 
Jaqueline Marwick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> It’s me, your Brazilian silent member again…
> Most of you won’t remember me, but I’d like to sincerely thank all 
> of you
> who have given me a few words of encouragement since I was 39 
> weeks pregnant
> and being pressured by medical staff to be induced.
> This is a great mailing list and reading it has been most edifying,
> challenging and inspirational to me.
> Thanks to Sally Westbury, Mary Murphy, Debby_M, Andrea Robertson, 
> Vicki and
> especially Lois Wattis with whom I met in person a few times.
> Above all I thank my own mother who gave birth to 5 children 
> naturally and
> has counseled me to let my body do its own performance for my sake 
> and the
> sake of  baby Susanna Joy.
> My doctor is known as the baby doctor in the area, assisting over 
> 40 births
> per month and all labeled as “normal deliveries”.
> I spent my whole pregnancy telling him how I wanted to have a 
> natural birth
> this time (I was induced with my previous baby and didn’t have 
> such a good
> experience), and how I wanted dim lights, no drugs, etc….  I had 
> typed my
> birth plan very clearly and etc.
> When it came to my 39 weeks he suddenly changed his discourse and 
> told me I
> “needed” to be induced because my baby was “too big”. Midwives and 
> RNs
> telling me that my placenta would get too mature, and/or my 
> amniotic fluid
> would not be enough to feed my baby, etc etc etc.
> They wanted to have a ctg trace every so often and one nurse even 
> wanted to
> use some sort of vibrator on my belly to make my baby jump…  Oh 
> the horror I
> had to go through and had to be even rude or else they would have 
> their way.
> The doctor who is so hard to catch (yes, it seems doctors have a 
> very
> precious time and clients’ time is usually not counted as 
> valuable, not
> worth even peanuts) was suddenly ringing my house and making 
> bookings with
> the hospital for my induction.
> I kept saying NO and canceling these bookings and with the support 
> of my
> husband we waited until my darling baby girl decided it was her 
> time.
> It was 10 days later, when I had just the one strong contraction 
> and off we
> went to the hospital arriving there at 2:30 am to find out I was 
> already
> fully dilated.
> My membranes had not ruptured as yet, and the contractions were 
> then quite
> strong. I asked to be on my knees as I found that to be the most 
> comfortable
> position at the time.
> As if things were not going fast enough, this midwife kept asking 
> me to let
> her rupture my membranes as it “would get things going”. I would 
> not give
> in; of course, it was only a matter of her waiting a little bit.
> My membranes ruptured naturally at 3:20 am and my darling baby 
> Susanna Joy
> was born at 3:40 am. All in all, it took us only 1 hour and 10 
> minutes from
> the time we arrived in the hospital.
> As soon as I arrived I asked them to ring the doctor, but they 
> rang much
> later, he arrived just after the birth, which was ok, as I was 
> feeling he
> had not much to do apart from giving me a few stitches on my 
> perineum area.
> Susanna was born spontaneously weighing 4.604 kilos (or around 
> 10.2 pounds
> in the old money), she was born very beautifully, and ready to 
> breastfeed
> and even bite LOL!
> She is now 3 and a half weeks old.
> I haven’t written before as I now have my hands pretty full, we 
> also have
> another baby (Daniel) who is just 18 months old older than Susanna.
> Physically I am a wreck, as I still haven’t managed to get a 
> routine with
> sleep etc, but I am so happy that my baby girl had her way and 
> came to this
> world so well!
> We are a very happy family here in WA!
> And I am so glad that I could finally have the chance of giving 
> birth
> naturally!
> Now I need to join the TUT club (Two Under Two)  _  double the 
> work and
> double the blessings!
> Love,
> Jackieurally!
> Now I need to join the TUT club (Two Under Two)  _  double the 
> work and
> double the blessings!
> Love,
> Jackie


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