Why not "Midwife"
the nurse part is irrelevant.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/11/2002 7:55:13 am >>>
Well, good on you Marilyn.  There will be more following you. (I canny wait!!)   I 
think RM is right. You are registered as a midwife.   I worked with a lady in Abu 
Dhabi - direct entry midwife who was going to NSW and got registration there.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marilyn Kleidon 
  Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 1:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] registration

  NO Liz I am not a nurse, I am direct entry fom the USA, I am home birth 
trained/educated except for the 4 weeks I spent at St. George Delivery Suite and the 3 
weeks at Mareeba under supervision. Which actually is why I said non-nurse because on 
my registration paper, beside the nurse category is printed non-nurse, and on the 
bottom the paper says "non-nurse midwife only". You can see this on the QNC web site. 
And the QNC does have the ACMI competencies (which had to be checked off during the 
supervision) and a lovely ACMI midwife handbook that is sent out with the 
authorisation.  It is interesting, in my job search I have sent a few letters out, one 
to a private hospital up north mainly because it is close to relatives, well they 
called me to find out my ceasarean experience which I had to admit willingly was very 
small, no, I have not topped off an epidural after a c/s. All I can say is people 
really don't read cv/resumes do they! Anyway, I don't think they will be offering me a 
job, which is probably a good thing all round. 

  So, I am just a little confused as to what initials to put after my name. In 
Washington I was LM for licensed midwife which distinguishes someone like me from a 
LCNM (licensed certified nurse midwife) in Washington. I am more than happy to right 
RM but I think really I am an AM (authorised midwife) or maybe a NNM (non-nuse 
midwife). I just really don't want to misrepresent myself. 

  Back to the various nursing councils/boards, I did get lots  of excellent advice 
from everyone on this list, however I do think many people thought Queensland might be 
the last state to authorise me. I downloaded the application forms from each state and 
I thought Queendland's were the most user friendly to someone like me. I mean they had 
a box to check for midwife only. Of course I am originally a Queenslander so I am 
thrilled that the QNC approved my application. I guess if I choose to travel then 
other states also have to approve me under mutual recognition. 

  marilyn (still thrilled)
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: elizabeth mcalpine 
    Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 3:07 AM
    Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] registration

    Marilyn,  Are you also a nurse?  Because when I told the Vic Nurses Board that I 
only wanted to register as a midwife, they told me that it was not possible.
    I asked about the new midwives - those graduates without nursing- I was told 
they'd think of that then.
    Liz Mc
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Aviva Sheb'a 
      Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 4:17 PM
      Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] registration

      Hearty, hearty CONGRATULATIONS, Marilyn!!! Well done! May you assist women and 
babies -- and fathers -- in beautiful births for many years to come!
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Marilyn Kleidon 
      Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 7:42 AM
      Subject: [ozmidwifery] registration

      It seems I have a few of options re work (non of which are caseload - later
      I hope) which I am mulling over; BUT my big news at the moment is:

      OK!! you have it hot off the internet... I am registered to practise as a
      non-nurse, midwife only, in Queensland, Australia as of November 7th, 2002.
      You can see this for yourself by going to.....


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