Title: URGENT Victorian Election Rally - Wed Nov 13
Hi Justine,
Please let me know when the venue for the rally has been confirmed. I will be there with bells on! Be good to meet you too.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 1:06 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] URGENT Victorian Election Rally - Wed Nov 13

Hello All

The Greens have decided to make the National Maternity Action Plan (NMAP) the main feature of their health policy launch.  This launch is to take place on Wednesday November 13 at 11am, venue to be confirmed (somewhere in Melb city, sorry will confirm with another e-mail).  Maternity Coalition will be there to support the Greens and particularly to shame the major parties into action.  We will demonstrate that midwifery care is an issue to many of the 60 odd thousand women that given birth and their families, but also the misuse of health funding (where obstetrics treats the majority) is of concern to the majority of Victorians.

We need as many there as possible (esp lots of babies and children).  Please if you plan to do one thing for NMAP DO THIS, it is a long time between elections and as the last election resulted in a minority government the preferences from parties such as the Greens are critical to the major parties so we have a real chance of making headway.  If you are a definite can you please e-mail be back off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] so I can get an idea of numbers.

I hope to see heaps of midwives, consumers and B-Midders on Wednesday!

Yours in solidarity

Justine Caines

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