Title: Message
I wonder what our vaginas and pelvic floors are supposed to comply with? Or whom? This lack of faith in women and what they can do seems to be the legacy of a past time.....for a good read see Reading Birth and Death (jo Murphy-Lawless) and Sex and Suffering (Janet MacCalman). These explained many things for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vicki Chan
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] obs and gobs

this fine bit of teaching I just came across from the uni of melb obs and gobs... should set our little hearts at rest...

Labour often begins slowly (the latent phase). False alarms or spurious labour are common. The duration of labour averages 14 h, augmentation with oxytocin is often indicated, epidural analgesia frequently requested. The 2nd stage is often particularly slow due to the poor compliance of vagina and pelvic floor. Instrumental vaginal delivery is not uncommonly needed.

dont tell me they aint got faith!!!


or what about this one...


Natural Course of Obstructed Labour

  1. Primigravida

    The uterus responds to slow progress with a reduction in the intensity and frequency of contractions – thereby further exacerbating the lack of progress. The natural course of neglected obstructed labour is to contract on and off for several days. The presenting part becomes impacted in the pelvic brim, the intervening tissues undergo pressure necrosis, infection develops, the fetus dies and with the skull bones collapsed, the fetus is able to deliver vaginally. An obstetric fistula is the long-term result.

    please, bring me the forceps this very minute!!






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