Cinderella was now 75 years old. After a  fulfilling life with the now
departed Prince, she happily sat in her  rocking chair watching the world
go by with her cat Alan. One  afternoon, out of nowhere, appeared
her Fairy  Godmother.

Cinderella said, "Fairy Godmother, what are  you doing here after all
these years?"
The Fairy Godmother replied, "Well Cinderella,   since you have lived a
good wholesome life since we last met, I  have decided to grant you three
wishes. Is there anything  for which your heart still yearns?"

Cinderella was overjoyed. "I wish  I was extremely wealthy", she said.
Instantly, her rocking chair turned into  solid gold. Alan, her cat,
jumped off her lap and ran to the  edge of the porch quivering with fear.

"Oh thank you Fairy Godmother," said Cinderella.
"Is  there anything else you might wish for", asked the Fairy  Godmother.

Cinderella looked down at her  frail body, and said, "I wish I was young
and full of the  beauty I once had." At once, her wish was granted.
Cinderella felt feeling inside her that she had not felt for  years.

The Fairy Godmother said, "you  have one wish remaining, what shall you
Cinderella looked at her frightened cat in  the corner and said, "I wish
you to turn Alan, my old cat, into a  handsome young man." Magically, Alan
suddenly  underwent a change and then before them stood young man with the
looks and body that no other man could match.

The Fairy  Godmother again spoke "Congratulations Cinderella. Enjoy your
new life,"  and with that she was gone.

For a few  eerie moments, Cinderella and Alan looked into each other's
eyes. Cinderella sat breathless, gazing at the most stunning,  perfect man
she had ever seen.

Alan walked over to Cinderella and held  her close in his muscular arms.

He leant in close to her ear  and whispered in a warm breath, "bet you
regret having my balls  chopped off now, don't you?"

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