Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] accreditation
Sorry, Laraine to have missed this post earlier:
As you are probably aware there are 2 types of professional midwives in the USA: Certified Professional Midwives (CPM's) and Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM's). CPM's are regulated by the various state regulatory bodies and by the National Association of Registered Midwives (NARM) and includes both direct entry and apprentice trained midwives as well as CNM's. CNM's are again regulated by the various states as above and the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) there are direct entry programs to become a CNM and you would receive your RN too. This is a very brief synopsis. Any midwife who qualifies for practice in the USA would be qualified for independent practice there, that is the ONLY kind of practice that CPM's participate in, it is what they are qualified for. It is not legal to practice as a CPM in all states only about 19 or 20 at this time. To maintain the CPM qualification they must participate in continuing education and peer review which is documented.
 CNM's have a greater diversity of practice but in general it is all caseload/team midwifery which may be a hospital program, part of group practice with GP's and OBGYN's, a group practice of midwives, solo practice, they may or maynot have hospital privileges, they don't work shifts on the ward.  Because CNM's are qualified as nurses, they may legally extend their practice to include well woman care outside of the childbearing year where as CPM's are restricted to this period. Many CNM's are advanced nurse practitioners and so have quite extensive prescriptive privileges. YOU can find out much more by going to the ACNM web site: I think it is www.acnm.org and the MANA (Midwives Alliance of North America) site at www.mana.org and the NARM site also www.narm.org I think. If these websites don't work try a search using acnm, mana, or narm. Hope this is helpful.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] accreditation

On 4/11/02 10:36 AM, "Laraine Hood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I am currently undertaking my Masters in Mid, tackling the subject of accreditation/credentialling of independent midwives. In the light of current PI issues, and the NMAP push, I felt that all efforts at improving the 'professional image' would be positive. But, I am having great difficulty finding appropriate references.  I am aware of the ACMI guidelines and work for the Community Midwifery Program of WA but need to know what 'accreditation/credentialling is available for other MWs particularly in other states, but also other countries.  Also thanks Rhonda for the ant story... I am also trying that approach of 'God I know these references are out there, please help me find them'.  I have noticed a distinct lack of ants in the Library though where I spend much time so maybe I need to take up rock climbing.  Thanks, all help is appreciated, Laraine.

Hi Laraine

In NZ all midwife practitioners who take on their own case-load reflect on their practice on a regular basis and submit their records to the NZ College of Midwives annually. If the self-reflection process reveals some perceived inadequacies in her practice the midwife can ask for a College assessor to give guidance.

It is one of the best systems to maintain credentialling standards that I have ever seen and I’m sure you could get details by emailing Karen Guilliland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . I’m not sure if this is still her email address but give it a try.
Good luck with your search, the NZ College would probably have references for you as well.


 Jan Robinson                                            Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 2+ 9546 4350
 Independent Midwife Practitioner            e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 Robin Crescent                                     www:   midwiferyeducation.com.au
 South Hurstville  NSW  2221                    National Coordinator, ASIM


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