It's certainly a very pro-interventionist site. Everybody I think has about half a dozen u/s, all planning on the epidural as well.Makes my labours (with pethidine) look downright boring!! Anyway, there is a section there regarding drs/midwives etc. and there was a request within the last week about an independent midwife (whose name I can't remember) if anybody wants to browse and advise this lady.


From: "Robin Moon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] 'elective' cs
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:25:19 +1100

JO, I entirely agree about that website. It's very disheartening to read. Especially when I compare the lovely conversations from caring compassionate midwives in this forum against mothers who reckon spending a $5000 gap for a doctor to 'save' a baby at delivery or a private bathroom are the most important things. 'grrrr'

----- Original Message -----
From: Jo & Dean Bainbridge
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 3:56 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] 'elective' cs

Melissa wrote:
that a c/sec was not all it is proclaimed to be by knife-happy OBs! (and)
I guess the only thing that I would add is that women usually believe they are "choosing" a c/sec through "informed consent". But it is not "informed", as their OB usually does not give them all the information on the possible effects from a c/sec, or an epidural for that matter. Women need to be given ALL the information, and currently, they are generally not.

I am aware that there are a number of obs that advocate cs as 'safer and easier' and I know midwives who do the same, but I would suggest (perhaps incorrectly?) that the greatest culprits of the right to elective cs are women.
Those who have heard nothing but generation after generation of horror stories about 'natural' child birth. We have been lucky enough to be born in a time where women have the right to control their bodies and what happens to their bodies (don't like my nose...think I'll get a new one) and these 'educated women who know all about child birth (natural cb) cause they have seen all those women on TV soaps screaming for their epidurals and heard their friends who have had babies tell them that labour pains are more painful than anything they have experienced and the episiotomy they got when the forceps were put on is huge!

Preaching to the converted by saying all of this on the list, I know. If anyone wanted to know how women think, check out essential baby . and read the cs forum IT IS SCARY!!!!

These women are the ones who scream "its my right to make informed decisions" but when you begin to question, even innocent questions, they get VERY angry and defensive. I copped hate mail when I said that there were a few members on the list who were not providing full and correct information about the risks associated with cs. VERY rudely told that I must have an agenda and probably "a midwife" (very derogative) . Issues such as respiratory disorders and so forth were worth the risk and they were up and doing the shopping in a few days!!

It really is worth having a look for students and others who want to know why women choose cs. The misinformation is huge! There is no comprehension of alternative options of care no understanding of consecutive pregnancy complications and so forth. They are proud and very aggressive to alternative experiences.

It reminds me of how our human race has so destructively defended their religious beliefs over time to the detriment of anyone. Hence my lack of religious belief.

Sorry, to rant.

Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...

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