Title: FW: Woman sues over big baby (news.com.au report)
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 11:27 AM
Subject: FW: Woman sues over big baby (news.com.au report)

How about this article in the news.
See it at: http://news.com.au
There are some quite biting comments at the end, and what about that ‘magnificent’ pelvis the woman had! Not often we hear pelvises described so glowingly...
BB Jackie Mawson.
Woman sues over big baby
22 November 2002

A PERTH woman is suing her doctor for negligence, saying the size of her baby meant she should have had a caesarian section instead of a natural birth.

  Tammy Sheppard is suing her doctor Pauline Swan over medical complications, including incontinence, she has suffered since her son's natural birth in 1998.

Ms Sheppard maintains she would have had a caesarian section had she known her baby, whose shoulders got stuck during the delivery, was going to be so big. The baby was 5.365kg.

Associate Professor Jan Dickinson gave expert opinion at the civil hearing today in Perth Magistrates Court on whether the birth records showed Dr Swan should have opted for a caesarian section after witnessing the early stages of Ms Sheppard's first labour.

The professor said the data indicated the birth appeared to be progressing well early on.

"I wish most of my patients had labour like this," Prof Dickinson said.

"Clearly, Ms Sheppard has a magnificent pelvis."

Prof Dickinson said there were no indicators which suggested a caesarian section would have been advisable.

However, Prof Dickinson admitted some doctors may have decided to operate.

"Some of my colleagues would perform a caesarian because a foetus is in the womb," she said.

"Or it could be that it's five o'clock and time to go home."

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Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Too many Gods;
            so many creeds,
            Too many paths
             that wind and
            When just the art
             of being kind
             Is all the sad
              world needs...

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