Yes, Alice, that's the way. My son, Leslie is a Sag. I can heartily recommend them, as obviously you can too. As long as s/he doesn't turn out to be a THAT would be a long wait!
Stick with it,
----- Original Message -----
From: alice !
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: is there really a baby in there?

I'm starting to feel like someone is going to jump out at me and go "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are going to have this big lump on your front forever and there's not really a baby in there, it was all a set up!"
No, just kidding.  Although it does feel like the baby is so comfortable in there it's never going to come out.  We got all excited around the due date, 4 days ago now, and each day since then the excitement has been dwindling a bit.  Like i go to bed at night and then wake up in the morning and go "Oh great, nothing happened."  Then the next night the same thing, then the same thing, then the same thing.  Right now it's hard to imagine that the baby wants to come out at all.
Well, actually, I will just savour these last few days of having the privelege of having our little baby still growing inside me.  I will miss not being pregnant when it's out, so i'll just make the most of it.
I'm sure s/he'll come out when s/he's good and ready, like when the stars are right or something.  Obviously didn't want to be a Scorpio, it's a Sagittarius now, just like it's daddy!
Until then it's just a matter of letting it happen, just gotta relax and know that it will happen when the time's right......eventually........
Alice xxx

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