Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] CPD  WAS big baby fear?

>From: Sarah Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I just find it disheartening to hear someone say that they were glad that
> they had a c-section because their baby was 'large'. I mean fair enough if
> it was 12lb or something (although I have heard that's possible!)
> Anyway, I'm not yet a midwife and there's probably more to it than this
> like for instance cephalopelvic disproportion

Sarah - check out the International Caesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) website (www.ican-online.org).  In their FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, they discuss when a c/sec is TRULY indicated with a CPD diagnosis.  According to ICAN, true CPD is extremely rare and only associated with a pelvic deformity or an incorrectly healed pelvic break.  That description does not apply to any of the women that I know who were sliced open for "CPD".


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