Please don't forget to let us know the rest of the story!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aviva Sheb'a
Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 6:53 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Fw: bun's STILL cooking.....

hi, all,
my active birthing student Alice sent me this. Go, Alice!
----- Original Message -----
From: a
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:06 PM
Subject: bun's STILL cooking.....

Little bubs is still hanging out in the comfort of mum's belly.  We are now 1 week past the 'due' date, although the concept of a baby being 'late' is a little ridiculous don't you think?  Like it's meant to wear a watch and then think "Oh, it's time, if i don't get out now I'll be late!"  Mother nature does things in perfect time, so whenever the baby decides to arrive will be the perfect time.
I went to the doctor today.  He suggested that it's about time to discuss our 'options'.  Like induction, to which i said 'Definitely not!' and then he suggested to have an ultrasound to check on things, attach a fetal heart monitor to my belly for 20 minutes to check the heartbeat, then do an internal examination to check that the cervix is ripening and if not he can help it along.  Excuse me!!!!  No thanks to everything.  We can listen to the heartbeat with a stethascope which we did and it's very strong and even, and he felt the baby which is now totally engaged, right at the bottom of my pelvis ready to come out, the baby is still moving alot and my blood pressure is totally healthy, so why don't we just let mother nature take care of things?  So he replied "We recommend these things because if the baby is in there too long it can die" said with much seriousness to my amusement.  Sorry, can't scare me into anything buddy.  So I got out of the hospital routine induction and all that crap because i stood my ground very firmly and he knew he couldn't sway me.  Everything is fine, it is totally normal to go this far and even a week longer is still considered perfectly normal.
Anyway, last night i felt what I swear must be labour pains, sort of like period pain and lower back pain and very achey which went away, then came back and then a few hours later came back.  I got very excited but it was sort of just a practise run, although Aviva my active birth trainer, said it is possible to start labour a few days in advance so that there is a bit of progress already by the time you're in full labour.  Today i've been getting shooting sharp pains in my inner thighs which is also a good sign that things are on the move, the baby is right down on my nerves.  I never thought i'd be so excited to feel pain.  Bring on the pain!!!  I'm sick of this contented, comfortable feeling.  I need the pain and then we can have our darling little baby in our arms at last! 
Elvis - the bird - has been acting very strangely today and yesterday.  He squats down low, puts his head down and turns from side to side making little squeaking noises.  He has never done this before, it's sort of like some sort of mating thing or i don't know what, but i am certain it is linked in some way to the imminent arrival of our baby to the family, like he senses it or something.
Anyway, maybe tonight's the night..........
Alice xxx

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