Dear Jan,

I run a nanny agency speicializing in overnight care of infants. We have qualified nurses, midwives and Nannies on our books. No government subsidies to pay for fees as yet, and some of the Nannies are quite highly paid, but if we can help, we’d be glad to. The website is and the number is 03 9530 6930.

Hope this helps,


Lyn Cottee



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] POST NATAL HELP


Dear Listers


I have a client single mum 1st babe looking for helpwith every thing after babe .any contacts

She is birthing in a private hospital in May and lives in Port Melbourne in Victoria jan

This is what she wrote  

"My mom told me that after she gave birth, she had somebody who stayed with her and helped with the baby and the house work and all that.  She called this person a nurse maid.  I thought that perhaps this would be a doula.  But, I've looked on the internet for information on doulas and they seem to be birth partners".However I have you as my birth attendant.


Who is it who can stay with me and give me after birth support when I get home?  Where do I look for this information? 


Because the biggest thing I seem to  be combatting is the isolation, I think this is important to get handled.  I spoke to my ob/gyn and she doesn't know much about doulas.  Can you tell me how to go about arranging this after birth support.










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