Wonderful news for your family Cheryl!!  Congrats on your baby girl :)


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] New Years Greetings

> Glad to hear of the safe arrival.
> Well, after two boys we have a girl (still in shock) and had a great
> hospital birth, one of the few hearing some people's stories.  Saw my doc
> Thurs, had a whinge and whine, then started niggling on early Fri morning.
> Stayed at home until midday, ruptured membranes and the pain level went up
> few notches.  Arrived at hospital by 1230, settled into my routine (when
> work there, you know where to find things!!) of arranging pillows,
> the nitrous etc.  5cm on arrival - very happy.  Warned the midwives that
> once I start pushing the baby will arrive NOW, went into my own little
> dreamworld (thanks to analgesia) and had a 5 min second stage, birthed an
> 8lb + baby at 3:20pm, intact, and the midwife was the accoucher, doc
> up to do the congrats bit with head on view!!
> Came home less than 24 hours later, and the girls at work I'm sure think I
> must be manic - just excited - can't sleep at work, keep hearing all the
> buzzers.  Sorry we are a bit disjointed, just happy.
> Kate is sleeping so I'm enjoying my boys.
> Cheryl
> >From: Jan Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >CC: Mary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] New Years Greetings
> >Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 23:34:44 +1100
> >
> >Hi Cheryl
> >
> >Yes, I had my New Year baby, but closer to midnight on New Year's Day
> >rather
> >than first thing in the morning ...
> >Anna Cassandra (4700g and 42 and a half weeks by dates) arrived into the
> >arms of her mother, cheered on by the whole support team, Father and
> >brothers, Grandma and good friend and me.
> >
> >Almost a twenty four hour labour, long for a third, but I think a
> >anterior placenta had a lot to do with the slow start, also the membranes
> >remained intact right until the end (as had her mother's when she was
> >so her mother told me).
> >
> >My client did lots of walking in the fresh air during the morning, used
> >Mary
> >Murphy's magic Western Australian pain cream and back massage (thanks
> >and lots of supportive soothing words in the afternoon. She graduated to
> >the
> >wonderful water in the pool in the late evening, but STOOD UP TO GIVE
> >(you'd like that Jackie, but I forgot to wear my "Get up and Give Birth
> >T-shirt)
> >
> >Oh, well, there's always next year for some great homebirth publicity.
> >Right now I'm on a high and preparing for the next two births.
> >
> >Cheryl, I'll be crossing my fingers that you give birth a few seconds
> >Australia Day and your baby becomes entrenched in Australian history as
> >first Australia Day baby to be born!
> >
> >I'll be watching the papers and this list.
> >Thanks for all the interest and support
> >
> >Jan
> >
> >
> >On 1/1/03 8:27 AM, "Cheryl LHK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Happy New Year to all.
> > >
> > > Wonder if Jan got her Jan 1 baby??
> > >
> > > Mind you, I was wondering if I was going to go into labour last
night -
> > > would have been nice, will probably have to wait until Australia Day
> >though
> > > ??  Drats.
> > >
> > > Hope those that worked had a great night.
> > >
> > > Cheryl
> > >
> > >
> > >
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