Dear Rhonda
Have you given your friend info re Jackie Mawson and the birthrites site??
Alesa Koziol
Midwifery Clinical Educator
----- Original Message -----
From: Rhonda
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 12:20 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Research support request

Dear List -
I am posting this for a friend of mine who is working hard to also promote change.
She has a limited amount of time to get this done asks that anyone with first hand experience or professional knowledge of how devastated women can be and how the opportunity to speak up about this after a traumatic birth would NOT do "more harm than good".  She needs this by the end of January.
Here is her letter - Anyone who has the time to reply can post a reply to her at the snail mail address listed.  Thank you so much.  
"Dear Rhonda,
I basically need some letters from women who have had an emergency
caesarean saying that their delivery did lead them to feel distress
afterwards, and that they would have welcomed the opportunity to fill out a
questionnaire asking them about their true feelings - that it would *not*
have made them feel worse to do so.

Currently, the ethics committee (mostly men, with several doctors on board)
is trying to block my woman-benefiting research, by arguing that the
increased 'distress' put upon women by asking them questions a month after
the birth is not outweighed by the potential benefits of the research
(which sounds awfully like an attempt to silence women's voices and prevent
But I am arguing that not only are there huge benefits to women overall
from the research, but that it is not going to harm emergency caesarean
women, by asking them how they feel. Rather, it might actually make them
feel better!

I know I would have welcomed someone that gave a damn about how I really felt!
And I would have liked to have known that I was not alone in how I felt too.
I also would have been reassured to know that there were people working to
make things better for women in the future so that they didn't have to go
through what I did.

So anyway, if you'd like to write a brief letter (can be less than a page,
or whatever you like) for me to include with my reply to the ethics committee,
to help get this research off the ground, you can send it to me at:

Ms Robyn Henriksen,
P.O. Box 552,
Geelong, Vic. 3220

I have to send my reply to the committee's 'concerns' in two weeks, so if
you wanted to contribute, it would have to be within that time.
Thanks for any support you can give,
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