Hi all!

Just had a major win today and had to share. I am due to VBAC in mid
April and I just got my obgyn to agree to no IV bung and no continuous
monitoring (except for 15 minutes per hour while in hospital unless
there is foetal distress evident from intermittent monitoring). I went
into my doc's office very nervous about confronting these issues and
ready to argue my case but he just agreed that my requests were
reasonable and left it at that (even though he had insisted on both of
these when I first talked to him)! At least now I can be sure to get his
written support of my birthplan so that I don't run into admin. and
policy probs while in labour... A real weight off my mind.

We are all set for the birth in April and I am loving getting to know my
midwife who will be with us for the labour and birth!

Feeling positive, supported and encouraged...


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