Let's see.....now the average visit to an ob lasts, say, 7 minutes, giving this one at least, a MINUTELY rate of $39.29. This one shouuld go to Wndy - not that she would probably think there was a problem with this! 
----- Original Message -----
From: Jayne
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] NSW Maternity Wards Face Axe Sun Herald 19.1.02

OMG!!!!  I wonder how much an ob earns per MINUTE??!!!
She was shocked, however, at the out-of-pocket costs involved. Though she has top hospital cover, she has had to pay $1500 so far in visits to the obstetrician, for ultrasounds and a deposit for the hospital.

Each visit to the obstetrician costs $275.

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